Contact Info

Please get in touch with us for more guidance on how to secure a mortgage with bad credit. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and support you through your mortgage application.


For any enquiries, please fill out the information below for free advice.

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Having a poor credit history and a CCJ, a mortgage was something my wife and I thought would be impossible to get accepted for any time soon. Pip has been great throughout the whole process. Always available for any questions we had and clear communication with us. He has got us a great mortgage offer which we are delighted with and because of his hard work, we will be able to move into our family home. We couldn’t be happier with the service provided by Pip and if he was double the price, he would be more than worth it.

We have had the pleasure of having Pip as our broker throughout our home purchase. He has been a professional all through out and had offered some helpful advice when the process became overwhelming. Thanks for all you have done

Excellent service and communication at a time when the mortgage providers were "working from home" didn't help.Would certainly recommend

Pip has been great help to my mortgage application, and I appreciate every effort he has done, really dedicated and prompt service. Will definitely recommend.

1st class service. Pip was very fast would recommend to anyone